Sometimes profound and beautiful moments are captured so well in a film, that in the midst of horrific surrounding, these moments send a message that is not forgotten easily. I remember watching ‘Saving Private Ryan’ many years ago and my eyes filling with tears as the once young, but now much older Private Ryan stood next to the gravestones of those who died to rescue him and asked the question of whether he’d lived a life worthy of their sacrifice. It gets me every time. The film Hacksaw Ridge is another powerful WWII drama. It tells the true story of Desmond Doss, a young man who refused to carry a weapon because of his beliefs and ran headlong into battle unarmed as an infantry medic. Now, before you run out and hire either of these films please understand that both movies have extremely graphic battle senses that are highly confronting. Private Doss, left alone on a battlefield strewn with dead or dying men, spent the night rescuing them one at a time. His courage and bravery resulted in the saving of many lives. This was not simply dragging a wounded soldier to a medical unit. He would run and crawl time and again back into areas controlled by the enemy, lifting or dragging wounded men to the edge of a high vertical escarpment, then single handed lowering them to safety. All night long as exhaustion ravaged his body he would cry out to God; “One more, help me get one more.” That night he saved 75 wounded infantrymen and also discovered information that helped the allied troops take the ridge and eventually defeat the Japanese. While extreme circumstances bring about courageous acts and without doubt Private Doss was not the only hero on that battlefield, he made a difference. Although drawing a line between wartime heroics and peacetime lessons is never a direct comparison, we can take what Private Doss said into every sphere of our lives. We are all privileged to interact with humanity. Whether leading or helping children, treating patients, running companies, cleaning carpets, talking to nursing staff or feeding multitudes. What if, in our daily interactions within this world our prayer would be like his; “one more, help me get one more.” One more encouragement with a child or adult, one more smile to a customer who may be struggling just to exist, it can be as simple as one more kind word or a hug. For me, I want to help one more control their thoughts, one more walk the journey of recovery mentally and emotionally, one more to renew their thinking and transform their life. One more! The Apostle Paul wrote: ‘After all, who is our hope, joy, or reason for rejoicing in the presence of our Lord Jesus at his coming? It is you, isn’t it? Yes, you are our glory and joy!’ (1 Thes 2:19-20 ISV) For Paul, his joy was found in others. I find the ‘others-centric’ nature of the Apostle Paul and Private Doss inspiring and refreshingly counter-culturally. In a world full of broken humanity, may we be those who echo Private Doss; “One more, help me get one more”

William Dumas

I thank you for writing this book,….my life has been transformed. QLD, 2015



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Hacksaw Ridge

06 Jun in

Sometimes profound and beautiful moments are captured so well in a film, that in the midst of horrific surrounding, these moments send a message that is not forgotten easily. I remember watching ‘Saving Private Ryan’…

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