I have learnt things today that are life-changers… Dorrigo, 2015

Darren Bonnell – Snr Ps Northwest Church

You don’t often hear too many pastors talk on the topic of mental illness, anxiety and depression. Yet Gary Blackford tackles these topics head on with vulnerability & honesty, as he weaves his own personal story and the truth of the scripture into a powerful and challenging message.

York Street Church of Christ Ballarat

Ps. Tim Clark, Senior Pastor


22 Aug in

Released in 1964, the haunting melody of ‘The Sounds of Silence’ became a huge hit for Simon & Garfunkel. One line says; ‘But my words, like silent raindrops fell. And echoed, in the wells of…

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08 Aug in

Retrofit Definition: add (a component or accessory) to something that did not have it when manufactured. I love a good doco (documentary). While David Attenborough thrills us with the natural world, I think the doco’s…

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Hacksaw Ridge

06 Jun in

Sometimes profound and beautiful moments are captured so well in a film, that in the midst of horrific surrounding, these moments send a message that is not forgotten easily. I remember watching ‘Saving Private Ryan’…

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